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Q: Is restorative justice too lax or lenient?
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What is a three letter word for lenient?

How about "lax" (There should be a question mark at the end, but the "too smart for its own good" web form rejects the answer in that case)

Is Australia too lenient on criminals?

yes, too much

How do you use lenient in a sentence?

"The teacher was very lenient with our grades on the last test.""His father is very lenient when it comes to punishment"The judge was lenient when handing down a sentence of 5 years in jail to the prisoner for murder"He was very strict about his students being promptly on time, but given the snowstorm that had left the campus under two feet of snow, he was very lenient with the students who showed up ten or fifteen minutes late that day".The judge was lenient when handing down a sentence of 5 years in jail to the prisoner for murder

How do most of the townspeople regard Hesters punishment?

as too lenient.

Is the youth criminal justice act being too lenient on the youth criminals?

Depends about what nation you are talking about. Usually juvanile crimes are dealt softly considering the age of offenders.

What lax stick is better the swizzle or the krypto pro?

krypto pro but not by far swizzle is a good lax stick too

What do judges mean by unduly lenient?

Unduly lenient means excessively showing tolerance or mercy in dealing with crime or misbehavior. In other words, taking it too easy on the criminal.

The wade-davis bill was rendered ineffective when?

radical Republicans rejected the plan as too lenient

The Wade Davis Bill was rendered ineffective when?

radical Republicans rejected the plan as too lenient

What group opposed Lincolns Reconstruction plan because they believed it was too lenient on the South?

Radical Republicans

What was a term used to identify members of Congress who felt that presidential reconstruction was too lenient?

Radical Republican

Why did Limited Too turn into Justice?

I dont know! But I like Justice! Its cheaper that limited too!