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Muay thai is a sport but no an olympic one

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Q: Is muay thai Olympic sport
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Is Muay Thai game recognized by Maharashtra Olympic Association?

Muay Thai is not an Olympic sport.

Worlds toughest sport?

The worlds toughest sport is Muay Thai boxing.

What sport provides a physical challenge?

Muay Thai

Boran thai muay thai?

We have to say Muay Thai Boran : It means the orginally Muay Thai. Muay Thai and originally Muay Thai is different with how to boxing. Muay Thai Boran is so old more than 500 years.

Where can one buy Muay Thai shorts?

You can buy Muay Thai shorts from the leading Muay Thai Supplier Blitz Sport. Alternatively you can buy these shorts in the clearance from the Amazon website. You can compare the prices on price comparison website Kelkoo.

What sports do Thai people do?

A good example is muay thai the national sport of thailand. but also popular is the native ball sport sepak takraw

What sports are popular sports in Thailand?

muay thai is a famous sport of Thailand

What is muay thai mean?

Muay thai is also known as Thai boxing. It is conducted in a ring similar to boxing matches. It is not the same as kickboxing. There are few restrictions on strikes, elbows, knees, kicks and punches are all allowed, as are some throws. Muay Thai boxers are in very good shape and able to withstand a great deal of abuse in the ring. The martial art traces its history back hundreds of years. A style of kickboxing...

Who invented muay Thai?

muay thai origin is unclear but it is believed that the art of Krabi krabong had a strong influence on it and it was developed in the early 16th century.

Where is Muay thai training place?

Muay Thai Training place is in Thailand

When was Muay Thai Chaiya created?

Muay Thai Chaiya was created on 2007-08-30.

Where did muay Thai originate?

Muay Thai is the martial art that serves as the foundation of kickboxing.