Yes she is a lesbian go to a lesbian website and type maryse and a video will pop out maryse having lesbian sex with mickie james!LOL
Maryse Ouellet was born on January 21, 1983.
Maryse Ouellet
Maryse Ouellet Mizanin is 34 years old (birthdate: January 21, 1983).
Maryse Ouellet was born on January 21, 1983.
Maryse ( Ouellet ) is currently engaged to Michael Gregory " Mike " Mizanin, also known as WWE Superstar The Miz.
She does not seem to be.
Yes, Maryse Ouellet is married to WWE superstar The Miz (Mike Mizanin). They married in February of 2014.
Maryse is now engaged to the miz (2013)
Maryse Ouellet's Birthday is January 21.