It depends how you look at it. We have not really got to see him fight good against somone that didn't just put him in the crucifix and baby punch him. There are rumors he will fight in the UFC again. We will have to see that day if Kimbo is a bum or not.
yes to chuck Norris the bum boys
Kimbo Slice was born on February 8, 1974.
Kimbo Slice was born on February 8, 1974.
No, Kimbo Slice will be a contestan in the new Ultimate Fighter season.
Kimbo Slice can bech press 2,000 lbs
Kevin Ferguson is the real name of Kimbo Slice. Kimbo Slice is considered to be a boxer and does the martial arts. He is popular for his fights especially in the streets.
Kimbo Slice is worth approx. 7.6 million dollars.
Kimbo Slice benches 475 and Squats 695 lbs.
No Kimbo Slice is not in the ufc yes he is , he beat Houston Alexander in the ultimate fighter finale .
yo mama! kimbo
Certainly not. HHH Would be badly beaten by Kimbo Slice