i dont know but kelly kelly is hot and she turned me biesexual dam kelly kelly you can turn somone bie
They said on opera he said he was bisexual...
Sunflower is bisexual
No!!! He is not gay, he is married to Kelly Preston and hes got 2 kids... You don't need to be spreading rumors that he is gay, cause hes NOT..
No he is not bisexual.
When you are bisexual, you do the exact same things as a non-bisexual person.
She is definitely not bisexual.
Stevie is not bisexual.
sexual orientation cannot be changed. If someone is bisexual, they are bisexual for life.
Nobody turns bisexual. If a woman is bisexual, she has always been bisexual.
If you are not already bisexual, your chances of becoming bisexual are about 0%.