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  1. The bogeyman is a myth and legend but some people believe he is real and believing he is real makes the bogeyman a reality to your mind so you might start seeing him but nobody else will.
  2. Also it is said that if you wake up with warts on your body and you have felt your heart beating fast that means the bogeyman has paid you a visit :(
  3. I have experienced a visit from him then, this is a true very very true story for me... a few nights ago i had a dream where a man was strangling me, i couldn't do anything but when i woke up i could swear... that it actually happened... and afterwards, i became interested in the "bogeyman" and all the myths about him... turns out he is most definitely not a myth. i watched the movie the bogeyman and the dreams the main girl has are what I'm having, and i have a few warts on my foot i have no clue what from, i woke up and they were there, probably sounds unreal to you, but consider yourself lucky, until he comes for u! because when he does, u won't be able to get help... noone else will see him or know whats going on so be careful, and if your a sleepwalker... well, I'm surprised he hasn't got u yet... its said that if you are sleeping he will just frighten the f*** outta you, however if u are up and walking around... while you're asleep... be careful!
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16y ago

Do not feel silly, I get the same fear in the dark. My advice is(it works for me) to(when you feel his presense) say for example: Creature,(etc.) please do not hurt me,(again,etc.) I would like to be your friend. Or say something that acknowledges that you know he is there and that you have God on your side to protect you. GOOD LUCK!

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The wrestler is.His real name is Marty Wright.But the monster is not.

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14y ago

trust me he isn't real other people think the bogeyman is real but he isn't.

tip. if you think the bogeyman is real gust get a night light good luck.

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