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Q: Is Zui Quan an actual sport?
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What is zui Is that zooming UI so what is its definition?

zui quan is a chinese sport. they get drunk and they start to box. that is it from the kings, Adrian and Roman

What sport words begin with Z?

Zui quan is a style of Chinese martial arts.

What are some sports that begin with the letters U X and Z?

Zui quan is a sport. It is a style of Chinese martial arts. Uneven bars gymnastics is a sport.

What are the ratings and certificates for Xiao zui quan - 1995?

Xiao zui quan - 1995 is rated/received certificates of: South Korea:All

What has the author Zhenhua Ye written?

Zhenhua Ye has written: 'Zui quan Su qi er' 'Zui quan Zhang San'

What actors and actresses appeared in Shao Lin zui ba quan - 1982?

The cast of Shao Lin zui ba quan - 1982 includes: Eagle Han

What are the ratings and certificates for Zui ba xian quan - 1980?

Zui ba xian quan - 1980 is rated/received certificates of: Canada:AA (Ontario) Canada:G (Quebec) USA:PG

Are there sports starting with z?

yes it is Zui Quan-Chinese Martial Arts

What are some Olympic sports that begin with the letter z?

I think is zui quan

What sport words begin with the letter z?

There is a type of traditional Chinese Martial Arts call Zui Quan. The moves of Zui Quan, rather strangely, typically imitate a drunk person. There is another sport, officially known as Zorbing, in which somebody inside a large inflated ball rolls down a hill.

Are there any sports that start with z?

Yes there is. There is Zui Quan, Zourkhaneh, and Zumba dance.

What actors and actresses appeared in Xiao zui quan - 1995?

The cast of Xiao zui quan - 1995 includes: Willie Chi Bin Hu Carman Lee Han Li Xiaodong Liu Wai Shum Yung Tsou Gabriel Wong Xin Xin Xiong