He was a heel superstar before he left He's neither like austin, he acts bad but gets cheered for it...least in ECW he did...not in WWF heel
he was a heel until the royal rummble but now he is a face
he was a heel until the royal rummble but now he is a face
He is a heel now
They turn face or heel by having a story line.
Right now Kane is a heel.
Vader was a heel in the wwf and also a heel in wcw too.
Samoa Joe is a heel.
A heel in professional wrestling is a villain character. A face in professional wrestling is a hero character. The vast majority of wrestling storylines place a heel against a face. A face character and a heel character are entirely kayfabe (not real) and do not show there true personality.
I guess he will be a face this time
Zack Ryder is face.
You would have to watch the entrances on youtube and listen to the crowds reaction. If its booing he is a heel if its cheers he's a face.