Murray Westgate was born on April 16, 1918, in Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Yes, she is considered alive.
Both were born in Regina Sask. The first Murray Westgate was the the pitchman for imperial Oil during Hockey night in Canada in the 50's. The other Murray Westgate was a reporter , Sacromento Anchor man and former Las Vegas taklshow host from the 70's now retired in Thailand.
Yes, Anne is still alive.
Murray James Cook, still alive age 56 years
he didn't die. He's still alive.
Murray Halberg is not dead. He is currently still alive and is 80 years (birthdate: 7 July 1933).
Right now Michael Jackson's docter, Conrad Murray, is in California preparing for court in September about Michael's death.
Yes.He is Alive.
westgate towers westgate miami beach westgate south beach westgate palace