The combined weight of Big Show and Mark Henry is 853lbs (387kg). With Big Show's weight being 441lbs (200kg) and Mark Henry's being 412lbs (187kg).
Mark Henry isn't fatter mark has muscle .big daddy v is mostly fat and flubber
He already has, each time Big Show and Mark Henry fought, Big Show won clearly. The question should be will Mark Henry get his revenge on Big Show? The answer is probably not. Big Show is 507 pounds but Mark Henry is only 411 pounds ,and Big Show is 7"1' and Mark Henry is simply 6"6'.
Big Show
Yes there is including the Big Show, and Mark Henry. Mark Henry is diabetic but Big Show is not!
Of course mark henry.
maybe,because mark henry put the chair in the ankle of big show that's why big show revenge.big show returns
No the big show is way stronger then the big show
Mark Henry, isn't he the world's strongest man? So in my opinion mark Henry is better
There has been multiple arguments over which is (bigger). I believe it is Mark Henry
The Big Show and Mark Henry
either big show or mark Henry