Jimmy Ray Hart (born January 1, 1944) is still alive, yes!
If you are referring to Jimmy Hart the professional Wrestling manager, there is no evidence as of this date July 24, 2009 that he has passed away. He presently resides in Tampa Florida. (Wikipedia)
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No, Bret Hart is still alive.
Yeah hart is still alive.
yes hes still alive
Kevin Hart is not dead, he is still alive and healthy.
No, Jimmy Swaggart is still alive. He turned 79 years old in 2014.
Yes, Sir Jimmy Savile is still alive.
no she is not dead her parents are
Kevin Hart is a person, he is a comedian who is still alive and has very funny movies.
As of May 2012, Carter is still alive.
No, he's still alive.
In March 2005, Kevin Hart's daughter Heaven Leigh Hart was born. His son, Hendrix Hart, was born in February 2008.