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If you mean whitewashing one like tom sawyer...then yes, if you mean fighting with swords, then no.

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11y ago

No. Football/Soccer is generally considered the most popular sport in the world, while cricket frequently takes the number two spot.

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Q: Is Fencing the least popular sport?
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Where did fencing start?

Fencing was popular with Greeks, Romans and Egyptians. It became a real sport though in the 15 hundreds in Spain.

Why was fencing introduced into the Olympics?

Fencing is an ancient sport with a long history, popular enough around the world to merit a spot in the Olympic Games.

What sport is the least popular?

The least popular sport is volleyball i checked 100 sites no lie x

What is the least favourite Olympic sport?

The least popular Olympic sport is football.

What is the sport fencing in Egypt?

In Egypt, fencing is the sport involving combat between two individuals armed with swords. In Arabic, fencing reads as مبارزة

Least most popular sport in the world?

marbles, which is actually a sport

Did they have fencing in the Ancient Olympics?

No they did not have fencing in the ancient Olympis because fencing is a modorn sport or art.

What is the least popular sport in America?


What are the differences between ballet and fencing?

ballet=====dance fencing======sport

Is there A punchline for the sport fencing?

No; fencing is not a joke, and thus cannot have a punchline.

What is the second least popular sport in the world?

Generalizing would be wrong. Every country has a popular sport and an uncommon (even obscure) sport.

Do you play fencing in winter?

Fencing is a sport that can be played any day of the year.