Corey Dillon's birth name is Corey James Dillon.
Corey Dillon is 6' 1".
Corey Dillon was born on October 24, 1974.
Corey Dillon was born on October 24, 1974.
Corey Dillon is 36 years old (birthdate: October 24, 1974).
Running back Corey Dillon.
That would be runningback Corey Dillon. With 13:49 left in the 4th quarter, in a 1st and goal situation, New England running back Corey Dillon charged into the endzone on a two yard run.
Corey's Coming was created in 1976.
He retired after the 2006 season and lives with his wife and daughter.
Corey Dillion is a former football player from the NFL. There is not a listed salary for him as of 2014 as he no longer plays.
Corey Dillon -- 8,061 yards.