Betty is short for Beth or Elizabeth. There is no masculine form.
Betty is short for Beth or Elizabeth. There is no masculine form.
Elizabeth Short went by The Black Dahlia, Betty, and Beth.
Beth Tweddle goes by Tweds, and Betty.
Beth Marion's birth name is Betty Goettsche.
Eliza, Liz, Liza, Lilly, Lizzie, Beth, Betty.
Born July 29, 1924, in Hyde Park, Mass., her real name was Elizabeth Short but she was also known as Betty or Beth
Beth Prado's birth name is Betty Emlia Prado de Tullio.
The cast of Awaiting Atwood - 2013 includes: Betty Ann McPherson as Betty Ann Margaret Atwood as Margaret Atwood Beth Mairs as Beth
Elizabeth is often shortened to Betty or Beth and from these you get Betsy.
There are various short names people use for the name Elisabeth. Some of the names are Liz, Lizzy, Beth, Eliza, Ellie, Bethy, Elsy, Belle, Bella and Lisbeth.
her middle name is beth because its short for betsy