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If you are asking whether it is too old to start boxing competitively, I would say the answer is maybe. If you are new to the game, it takes many years of practice to establish the timing and technique necessary to be successful. But if you have experience and want to start fighting amateur or pro, 25 is not old at all. In fact, it may be the prime age.

If you are asking whether or not you should take up boxing as a hobby, I say it is never too late. Boxing is one of the funnest and most productive exercise programs available and it is also a great tool for all ages.

Overall, 25 is still young and either way you go, it is a great place to start.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

I think what this person really wants to know is if he is too old to become good at the sport,make money or become a champion at 36. Here is what I have to say. First of all,natural talent can take a person far, also the age limit in ametuer boxing is 34, but there is a masters division for 34 and up. You have to pass a physical first. Late 30s is a tough age to start boxing, weight is harder to lose and requires harder work,diet is very important.Also ,reaction time slows down in the 30s,.this makes it hard to move away from punches,..competing against young experienced guys in the 20s is tough..taking a punch to the chin is not the same as if you were 22.

Everyone is different ,natural talent ,hard work, and a good coach with tons of wisdom can take a person far,..I say give it a shot,what is there to lose?

Punching power for most guys can stay with a fighter until 50s or even higher ages,..power plays a big roll in this game.. so depending on who you are,how smart you are,and how hard you work, a champion can succeed at 36- 50s.

Bernard Hopkins,George Forman,Andrew Golata and many more did it, its been done. dont let anyone tell you that its not possible.

Go for it!
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βˆ™ 14y ago

No its not, I know a guy who started when he was 34 and he is 48 now. He is my trainer, and is prety good at it. You can start boxing at any time.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

yes its a good age to start a losing boxing career.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

25 is not a bad age to start boxing. Rocky Marciano started at 25 and became world champion.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

no, just apply yourself, and good luck.

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Q: Is 25 years old a good age to start a boxing career?
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