in the story he faces a lot of problems wit santio marrela and the fighting Irish man they call finaly and the boogeyman takes kane's soul away with the urn and it is up to the undertaker to face the boogeyman to at the grandest stage of all wrestlemainia.i was undertaker and you will have to face boogeyman in a hell in a cell.
You can unlock him and hes in undertakers road to wrestlemania
WrestleMania will be in Smackdown vs Raw 2009 because since they're were tag team matches at wrestlemania it will be in the video game you DuMb@$$ WrestleMania will be in Smackdown vs Raw 2009 because since they're were tag team matches at wrestlemania it will be in the video game you DuMb@$$
Yes you can on x-box 360 and ps3 all you have to do his save smackdown vs raw 2009 data to your x-box 360 or ps3 and import smackdown vs raw 2009 to legends of wrestlemania xxv
No he isn't but you can import him from smackdown vs raw 2009
yea it is but its not a struggle submission . its his signature move
No, but it'll probably be in Raw vs Smackdown 2009.
hell yea
WWE Legends of WrestleMania happened in 2009.
WrestleMania XXV happened on 2009-04-05.
It was Undertakers theme tune and hbk did all his stuff.
on the main menu 2 down from exibition