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Here are the rules of boxing, real boxing, they work on Fight Night though; 1) Boxing is about rhythm; the drumming of the fists, waltzing strategically with your opponent around the ring, all of that is rhythm. I hate to be racist, but, why do you think black dudes and latinos are good at boxing? All about the rhythm and the dangerous dance of fists dude. 2) Boxing, is about making the other guy miss, and making them pay when they miss. 3) Speed kills; foot, hand, both those combined, head movement speed, and part of speed of course is accuracy, if you can not land at least 45% of your shots you're dead. 4) Restraint, restraint, restraint, and more restraint; don't throw wildly, but keep in mind that the other guy needs to go down. That's why you're in the ring for. 5) Be fearless, but aware of danger, work hard to eliminate fear, BUT, be VERY aware of your opponent's ability to badly hurt you. 6) Be calm, but aware that you need to win. Don't be so calm you never throw! 7) Drum the body, cut the head; hit the body as often as possible with power blows, take away their legs, and fire one twos at the head until they're cut to blind them. One twos, or whatever combos you can land, however in video game world, only the one two will target the eye area directly it seems. Its pretty cold blooded but, hey, its not real its a video game; if you DO have to do it for real then, hell man I feel sorry for you. The way I see it, the only way to win a boxing match, is to drum the body, and cut up the head until they're blind; I boxed professionally, I'd fire jabs 10,000 times every day man, until I had a razor for a left fist. I know its cold blooded but, you probably want to win. Now, to help with the actual gameplay; 1) The biggest problem, is the control scheme, so, spend some quality time practicing combos on the heavy bag until total punch control becomes second nature. It will take patience, but your effort will be rewarded. 2) The second biggest problem is the uppercut; it is a sneaky punch that is very tough to execute but it is invaluable as far as counters go, its also a useful "rising" punch. By that I mean, the uppercut is in fact a defensive punch, when you are hammering the body, you are vulnerable to being cut up yourself, meaning, when you raise your torso to an upright position, if you are going to raise yourself up, you may as well throw an uppercut and who knows, time it right and it will land as a counter. To develop that, work on the double end bag, focusing exclusively, on NOTHING but uppercuts. 3) Another important exercise to do over and over on your own (not in career mode), is heavy bag push, practicing, exclusively, one two combos, over and over. Even if you don't get a high score, one two, one two, one two until its second nature. You want to turn your guy's fists into razors to cut up the eyes, you need to master the one two. 4) Finally, the maize bag, the side to side dodging exercise. The above three training games, play them on your own, not during career mode, play them over and over until you become a beast at them, rotating between them. 5) Believe it or not, play career mode; play the training games, then fight, training games fight, and make an effort to capture the championship of the world, in every single weight category, from the bantams, to the heavies. Oh yeah make sure the difficulty is on GOAT, hand speed, punch output, defensive and offensive awareness maxed out. 6) Go for the "greatest of all time" ranking in career mode. To train during career mode; The EA programmers divided Fight Night into two basic categories; training exercises that develop power, and training exercises that develop finesse. Open sparring, and both heavy bag workouts are "power" exercises. Stay on your feet, the maize bag, and the double end bag are "finesse" exercises. However for finesse, you only need the maize and double end, you don't need "stay on your feet." "Stay on your feet" is useful to do on your own time, away from career mode, because it forces you to be defensive, ultimately its more a novelty than a training aid, if you truly want to push your limits, create a true monster in "create a boxer," with 100% power, and 100% ability to take punishment, with a slugger style and as monstrous as humanly possible. Next, create a weakling middle weight but don't use your opoints. Using the weakling middle weight, fight the monster. You probably won't last a round your first few tries but in time, you'll be forced to actually BOX. By the time you get to round 3, and captured at least 3 championship crowns on GOAT difficulty with the above settings, keeping the real life rules of boxing in mind, online, you'll be dropping guys left and right. good luck, oh and, one last thing; believe it or not humility is in order. Play the training games, never think you're good. Ever.

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Q: Improve boxer online on fight night round 4?
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on main menur go to create boxer and edit, if u cnt work the rest out then u should take the game back, get it refunded and buy some books son

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yes ican

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I dont think there is a place on the internet that you can play fight night round 3 so I dont know what to tell you. Sorry.

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No however, you can get Fight Night Champion and create a boxer that looks like Balboa. You can also make his opponents like Clubber Lang, Drago and Creed.

How do you make amir khan for fight night round 4 for x-box?

Wait for the main game screen to load up and then go to create boxer. Once there a list will appear saying create boxer,boxer gallery and download boxer. To create khan press create boxer and a gallery will appear of all the boxer templates you can you use. Fight night round four actually made a template based on the looks of Amir Khan so all you need to do is edit his information and his attire such as trunks,gloves and entrance music however I cannot remember the number of the boxer template but as soon as i find out i will write it on here. You can also edit there hair style and facial hairstyle,there eye colour and there hair colour. As soon as you are done make sure to press the start button and press save changes. make sure you save and then you can use your newly created Amir Khan in fight now and legacy mode. I hope this helps you. :D

What is the hardest difficult level on fight night round 4?

The hardest setting is G.O.A.T. (Greatest of all time) with CPU and Boxer adjustments maxed out under the settings menu. Fighting a boxer two weight classes higher than your own with those settings is the most difficult challenge the game provides. Also, because every fighter's different in style, most effective punch,and reach, you may find one boxer harder to use or one harder to fight against.

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Explosion Fight Night was created in 2010.

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Fight Night Champion happened in 2011.

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