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It would be pointless having a nose job and then continuing to box. The whole point of a nose job is to reshape the nose, but whats the point when theres a high risk of it disfiguring again due to boxing. My suggestion is to wait until your boxing career is over and then persue a nose job else it would just be a waist of money.

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Q: If your are a boxer and have big nose is this dangerous and if you get a nose job are you still able to box?
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no dog is more dangerous than the other. it is the owner who trains it to be gentle.

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Not at all, but it will happen over and over.

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The use of the nose is to be able to smell things and to be able to get an irritation out of your nose called sneezing

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Nose trimmers are by far safer then using scissors. There are reports of people slicing open their noses after using them but its still better then the alternative. Just becareful and take your time when using them.

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Cheeks, Eye, Nose, Lip, Hands

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Probably not dangerous unless it's a sinus infection. If you have dark yellow or green mucous coming out of your nose, please see a doctor.

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Usually one of two breeds. Either a Pitbull or a Boxer. Brindle coloring, one or more white paws as well white markings on chest and or nose are indicative of both breeds. The boxer will have a very short nose/snout.