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Q: If Teddy Roosevelt and Mike Tyson got in a fight who would win?
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If Teddy Roosevelt and Chuck Norris got in a fight who would win?

I'm almost positive that Chuck Norris would not fight a dead person.

How would you describe Teddy Roosevelt?

Teddy Roosevelt was the best president that Washington ever had

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Mike Tyson

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mike Tyson would win if both boxers were in their prime.

Who would win in fight between Mike Tyson or Muhammad ali?

i think Tyson will win

Who and how was the teddy bear invented?

The orignol idea came from teddy Roosevelt and the idea was that you would have the president to look after a child

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Mike Tyson round 1 knockout

If ali and Tyson fight who would win?

ali to do what he did to george foreman

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Muhammad Ali would beat Mike Tyson.

Did Muhammad Ali ever fight Mike Tyson?

No as Ali has parkinson disease of the hands it is not possible.

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chuck liddell