Weaken the opponent so that they are slouching, then wait for your superstar's smaller bar (momentum) to fill. After that, use one of the three combinations (these don't apply to all Superstars, but it does to most of them): Grab, then A+B Grab, then Down+B Grab, then Left/Right+B
click on grapple button to make Rey Mysterio finishing move (619).
Get him in a strong grapple, and move the analog or joystick in any direction. And u can also copy your opponents finishing move by getting him in a strong grapple then pressing A+B simultaneously.
No a N64 keyboard does not exist. You can play N64 games online using an emulator which you then use a keyboard to control, but there is no attachment keyboard for the N64 system. .j.
when your rooting bar starts glowing press S then A+S
There are lot of different saving options for N64 emulators, it comes down to your preference and what works. .j.
eg. he caused lots of mayhemPlaying Emergency Mayhem on my Wii, is too extreme, and fun.
because they both are big and heavy also they use the same finishing move the running-leg drop
The only use of a ram pak for n64 would be the expansion pak which increases the memory capacity for better graphics and sounds quality. .j.
A chokeslam is a professional wrestling move. In this, the person executing the move will catch the throat of his opponent with one hand and use the other to balance his weight. Then he would lift his opponent in the air and throw them down on the mat. This move is used by Kane, Undertaker etc as their finishing move.
You can't unless you use a hack for the ROM on your n64 emulator.
I am sure all of them have at one point or another! .j.