Marciano had the shortest reach for a heavyweight champion ever (68 inches). He was also one of the smallest heavyweight champions ever. He stood 5'11 tall.
Rocky Marciano was born on September 1, 1923.
Rocky Marciano was born on September 1, 1923.
The duration of Rocky Marciano - film - is 1.65 hours.
How much is a rocky marciano glove worth
Rocky Marciano was born on September 1, 1923.
Rocky Marciano - film - was created on 1999-05-15.
Rocky Marciano went by The Brockton Bomber, and The Brockton Blockbuster.
Marciano retired in April of 1956.
No as Rocky Marciano had retired earlier, before ali arrived.
Marciano married Barbara Cousins in December of 1950
Rocky Marciano A Life Story - 2004 was released on: USA: 2004