Andre the Giant did not stand at 7'4". Next to Hulk Hogan, he stood about 4 to 6 inches taller, that was it. He was about 7'1" or 7'2" and Hogan stood at 6'6" - 6'8". Even Paul Wight (The Big Show) admitted that while he himself stood at 7 feet tall, Andre the Giant stood at around 7'1" or 7'2".
He had gigantism.
66 foot
Yes. He was over 7 feet tall and weight nearly 500 lbs and was really a giant
Andre the giant
No. He was 7 feet 4 inches tall
Andre the giant
its simple...big show is a giant from America and Andre the giant is a giant from rusia
andre the giant
Andre the Giant has 1 child
Andre The Giant was arrested for possession of drugs