Including his fueds with people such as Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon and Shawn Micheals plus The Hart Foundation,He would be worth 30,000,000.
He has been known to bench press 405lbs.
According to He is worth $250 Mill
Bret Hart is very much alive and well and living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. His brother Owen died in 1999 on live TV after a stunt went wrong. You might be confusing the two.
You can contact Bret Hart at his official webssite or his office address in Calgary is Suite 150, 406-917 85th Street SW, Calgary, Alberta
It is worth the cost of the stamp.
How much is a 1947 Thomas Edison 3 cent stamp worth?
Yes. Bret Hart is still very much alive. -News Article Dated 10th December 2007- According to the Wrestling Observer, WWE "tried to move heaven and Earth" to get Bret Hart onto Raw's 15th anniversary show. He turned down a spot as an unadvertised special guest in the final scene of the show. WWE had been trying to negotiate for the USA distribution rights for his autobiography but the negotiations appear to have hit a snag over the editing process. Despite a verbal agreement that WWE would not make any changes to the book, the contract they sent to Hart wound up mentioning changes being made to 400 of the book's 533 pages. WWE and Hart remain in talks about a second DVD compilation of his best matches.For the Latest on Bret Hart Follow the Below link
can anyone tell me wow much it is worth\ the stamp was circulating in 1957 or 1958
How much is 15 cent martin Luther king stamp worth
This is a silly question since the match has never happened and never will. If you are asking this based on pure ability Bret is the better of the two since he has had much more 5 star matches Then triple h which means that people like to see hart more then Hunter.
Check your stamp at the link below.