It all depends. $379 on WWESHOP.COM for a replica with SIMULATED LEATHER (it has cardboard in the strap)
if you are hanging your belt, buy the replica. if you want to wear it and put it over your shoulder, buy the deluxe on fo $699 it's real leather its real flexible, and doesn't have cardboard in it
Watch some YouTube vids. They help
Wrestling belts for children cost about $30. Child wrestling belts can be bought from numerous stores, such as Walmart, Sears, Toy Country, eBid, and Amazon.
on Another place you can get them if you don't want to pay the earth is they have a bunch of affordable ones as well as the deluxe replicas that you can also buy at the official shop.
Timing belts cost between twenty bucks for the really cheap models to the fifty dollar ones that I use on my Honda.
Well really it depends what console you've got (ps3, xbox, Nintendo ds, psp etc.)
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Coach belts range in price, but generally cost around $140. You can purchase Coach belts online from the official Coach website. You can also get them from retailers such as Amazon.
wrestling school cost is about 1000 $ per month but there also are cheaper schools!!maybe cheaper schools don`t have such a great equipment but you can also train wrestling in there!! WWA4 in Atlanta, Ga is one of the best wrestling schools around. its also the cheapest at $980 for 36 months
Aligator belts cost more than leather and they have a more distinct style but they're not as durable.
You can find a wide variety of Wrestling shoes on online websites such as or EBay! A good quality pair will cost you anything from $50 upwards.