a lot. maybe $1000,350.21 [estimate 2010]
two hundred and fifty dollars
after every match they have
With money
There are not entrance fees for the wrestlers, they don't pay to wrestle, they get paid to wrestle and they are paid by whatever their contract states.
Because they have more experienc and are a bigger draw
Yes they all have contracts
Honestly, I get seriously ticked off about these questions. If you want to know the salary WWE wrestlers get, why don't you get a job as one?
he likes has to count how much money hes been given for being on stage or if being paid to do and advertisment and if he been given enough
I think they do but im pretty certin they do
Highest paid wrestler in WWE is Triple H.
Between $250,000 and $350,000 (not including movie gigs, photo shots, and special appearances which usually land them between $500,000 and $550,000 a year)