In my jujitsu (Goshin Jujitsu) we are graded every three months so bearing the belt system in mind:
White, Yellow, Orange, Green, Blue, Brown 1st Stripe, Brown 2nd Stripe, Brown 3rd Stripe, Black, Black 1st Dan-10th Dan.
I'd say about 18 months (1 year and 6 months).
There are many jiujitsu blocks for many attacks you would have to specify which attack or grab you'd like to know how to block.
25 years
there were 200000 karner blue butterflies 15 years ago
To be a journalist, you must have 4 years of college under your belt.
You don't need to win them but in Kyokushin Karate you have to do 3 battles.
Depends on the conditions it is kept in. I have seen leather items that are 5,000 years old.
50 people
It's not about time. You should change the timing belt every 90k miles.
The oldest blue whale was 110 years but an average lifespan is 80 - 90 years.
A blue toothed whale is not a defined animal. Blue whales are baleen whales, not toothed.
abouy 10 bazillion times!!!!! but, seriously, i am pretty sure its 15. hope that helps :) - Poopface
Most manufacturers recommend replacing the timing belt every 70,000 miles.