Heavyweight Title
Light Heavyweight Title
Middleweight Title
Welterweight Title
Lightweight Title
Bantamweight Title
Featherweight Title
The UFC 154 event a total of 12 fights. They were split up as follows:
a. 3 fights in the preliminary card (shown on YouTube and facebook)
b. 4 fights in the preliminary card (shown on FX)
c. 5 fights in the Main Card
The main event fight of the night was - Georges St-Pierre (GSP) Defeated Carlos Condit by unanimous decision after 5 rounds
3 minutes a round over 12 rounds with one minute rest.
Tim Credeur, Melvin Guillard, and Dustin Poirie are UFC fighters from Louisana.
5 billion
Regular fights are 3 rounds and title fights are 5 rounds. Each round is 5 minutes.
UFC has always been UFC
5 billion
There are 7 issues.
Many UFC fighters train at high altitudes in places like New Mexico and Colorado.
7PM PT/10PM ET. 12 minutes ago as I type this...
Ted Dibiase Jr
The minimum a fighter can make for a title fight in the UFC is $40,000.
MMA is mixed martial arts and is a sport. UFC is a organization for the sport. It is not the only one. Think football = mma, NFL = UFC.