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There are many, many Taekwondo organizations that are labeled as "federations," "associations," or "unions," and any of those that are legitimate can trace their lineage back to one of the original Kwans (A Kwan is school or family of schools under one leader - the Kwanjang). The first official Kwan was the Chung Do Kwan, established by Won-Kuk Lee in 1944.

Taekwondo began by uniting the various schools of Korean Martial Art in Post World War II Korea which were known as Kwans. The first official Taekwondo organization established in 1961 was named the Korea Taekwondo Association (KTA) The Korean government ordered that nine primary Kwans be recognized, numbered, and then merged into the KTA with a 10th Administrative Kwan.

One pioneer of Taekwondo, Korean General Hong-Hi Choi, founder of the military Oh Do Kwan, was permitted to establish the International Taekwondo Federation (ITF) in Korea, but was later forced out, and moved his organization to Canada. It spread worldwide from there, but after his death, the organization splintered with at least three groups claiming to be the duly authorized successor of the ITF name.

The Kukkiwon building was built in Korea to house the National Taekwondo Acadamy, and the offices of the KTA, and the Korean Olympic Committee. The World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) was also established, originally as a link from foriegn countries to Taekwondo credentials in Korea. However, the duties of the WTF were shifted solely to be a sports governing body, and has nothing to do with the teaching of Taekwondo, nor the promotion of ranks in either color belt geup (grade), or Black Belt Dan (Degree). Unlike the ITF, the WTF has never had its own curriculum for teaching Taekwondo or promoting students, and you can not join the WTF or become a member as a student or school.

In virtually every country around the world, Taekwondo organizations have sprung up, either as approved efforts of renowned Taekwondo Masters, or unauthorized creations of independent instructors. Some national associations and federations are recognized by the WTF as member National Assoiciations for sport purposes, and are authorized by the Olympic Committee in each nation. The WTF is the only organization recognized by the International Olympic Commitee (IOC), but that is because the only purpose of the WTF is regulating the sport aspect of Taekwondo. Other associations and federations might have member schools and instructors who participate in Taekwondo competitions, but also provide instruction in Taekwondo as a Martial Art.

Some examples are:

ITF - International Taekwondo Federation

USAT - USA Taekwondo (Member National Association for WTF in the U.S.)

USTF - United States Taekwondo Federation

USNTF - United States National Taekwondo Federation

USCDKA - United States Chung Do Kwan Association

ATA - American Taekwondo Assoicaition

STF - Songahm Taekwondo Federation (offshoot of the ATA)

AFT - Afghan Taekwondo Federation

BUTF - British United Taekwondo Federation

ETU - European Taekwondo Union

UITF - Unified International Taekwondo Federation

HTF - Hwarang Taekwondo Federation

and the list goes on and on....

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A Dan ranking is someone that has acheived a Black Belt. There are ten degrees, or Dans, in the black belt ranking system.

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There are 10 Dans in Taekwondo.

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