New Taekwondo schools open, and old ones close all the time. The best thing to do is to check your local phone book directory, and find a Taekwondo school in your area that is accredited through a nationally, or internationally recognized organization. Then go and visit a class to see if you like what they teach, and how they teach it. Talk to current students and parents of children in the class, and get their feedback. If available, ask to participate in a trial period to see if it is what you are looking for.
Keep in mind, it is better to travel some distance to find a good, qualified and certified instructor, than to go to the closest, or cheapest school near you.
For member National Associations linked to the Kukkiwon, World Taekwondo Headquarters in Seoul, South Korea, check the related link below, and select the Taekwondo Union covering your part of the world. Then select country in which you live to find the Taekwondo Union for your area.
Because of its widespread popularity, there are dojangs located throughout the U.S. and around the world. All one need do is walk in to one of them and speak to an instructor and arrange to begin classes.
The name Tae Kwon Do, means - tae - "to stomp, trample", kwon -"fist" -, and do - "way, discipline"
Action Tae Kwon Do was created in 1972.
Kwon Tae-Man was born in 1941.
Tae kwon do originates from Korea.
tae kwon doA+
Ha Tae-kwon was born in 1975.
Over 2,000 studios in US. and there are over 30,000 compations for tae kwon do alone in the US.
TKD stands for Tae Kwon Do. T stands for Tae (kick). K stands for Kwon (punch). D stands for Do (way).
she started Tae Kwon Do when she was 6 because of her brother
Kwon Sun-Tae was born on 1984-09-11.
tae kwon do it is like karate but different