The Tsunami first hit land at 09:53:36 on Boxing day 2004. (Australian Time) Posted by the GMTCRO of Geography.
The Boxing Day Tsunami started on December 26th, 2004 and lasted 7 hours. It started at 7:59 am, so it ended probably around 2 pm. I have not come across actual information, this is just context clues.
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It is estimated that around 150 British citizens died in the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.
150,000 people died in the tsunami
The Boxing Day Tsunami, or Indian Ocean Tsunami, occurred near Asia. The resulting destruction affected many people worldwide and many humanitarian efforts were started.
It is estimated that around 230,000 people lost their lives in Indonesia as a result of the Boxing Day tsunami in 2004.
The 2004 tsunami is commonly known as the Indian Ocean tsunami, or the Boxing Day tsunami, as it occurred on December 26.
The Boxing Day Tsunami occurred on December 26, 2004. This was one of the most detrimental tsunami's to hit Indonesia on record.
No, it´s the opposite. boxing day tsunami was one of the biggest tsunamis in history
there would be boxing anymore