This all depends on how active you are during this one hour of karate. Karate includes sparring, kata, ippon kumite (non movement sparring) and fitness exercise. you could do just one of these things or all of them and would give you various readings
Burning calories depends on a variety of things, one of which is moderate to intense active movement over a period of time. There are a lot of activities that can burn calories at a fast rate, and Taekwondo is definitely one of them. The exact amount of calories burned per unit of exercise may vary, but the most important thing is that you try to find something that you enjoy doing so that you will stick with it, and that it has a systemic effect to use the maximum amount of muscles throughout the body.
There is no way to measure the exact calories which you would burn in an Aikido class. Aikido is designed for almost any person to practice its art. This means if you are an elderly person, you can still practice Aikido unless you have some kind of handicap. The reason that I mention this is because it is not mandatory that you be very athletic. Some classes you will practice "ukemi" which is nothing more than learning how to fall and conquering the fear of falling. Some classes will do a cardio workout before the class starts by doing pushups, situps, jumping jacks, etc which would burn more calories. The art of Aikido does not require you to use any strength therefore it is not physically demanding. It is said that if you can lift 16 pounds, you can practice Aikido. You do not fight strength with strength, you "go with the flow" and preform a technique. Therefore the technique themselves do not burn hardly any calories.
you burn about 346 calories an hour.....
It depends on how drastic you do karate and exercise yourself. If you spend an hour doing some relaxed and not strenuous exercises it doesn't help burn too much calories at all. If you are serious and do some useful movements and training of muscles, it does help you. In fact, doing any kinds of sports other than karate ,can help you burn calories in an hour, such as running, swimming and kung fu. Bear in mind it depends on your program you do.In a 2 hour class you may actually only do an hour of strenuous karate. I read that in karate you burn 10 calories per minute and for Tai Chi you burn 4 calories per minute. So in one class you can burn anywhere between 480 to 1200 calories. It is realistic that you should look between 600 to 840 for two hours. However, the more you weight the more you burn. A 245 pound 19 year old male can burn 861 per hour while a 145 pound male can burn 626
Light standing occupations burn 150 calories per hour
About 580 - 600 calories
Burning calories depends on many factors. Stretching pizza for an hour could burn a few extra calories, but those calories are really negligible at the end of the day.
you burn 300
no more than 500 calories
About 200 calories per hour.
You might burn 390 Calories per hour of Dodgeball play