

Best Answer

If each round lasts three minutes, then the entire game would be 47 minutes long (including breaks.)

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Q: How long would a 12 round boxing game go for?
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How long is a round?

Please be more specific: a round of what? Golf? Boxing? Singing?

How long does each boxing round last for?

"Semi pro" boxing is a reference from the old days but...really their isn't such a thing.

How long does a 15 round boxing fight take from start to finish?

60 minutes

How many minute is a 12- round boxing match?

Each boxing round is 3 minutes, so that would be 36 minutes of fighting.

How long is a boxing ring?

3 minutes a round of tournament ,6 rounds 10 rounds 12 rounds for one professional boxing match

How long is a round in boxing?

The length of a professional boxing round for men is 3 mins and women are 2 mins. The length of an amature boxing round is 2 min for boys or men with under 10 fights and 3 min rounds for boys or men over 10 fights. Girls and younger kids are 1 and a half mins a round.

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Kick boxing is arobic. The difference is in kick boxing you are all ways movng for a long period of time. If kick boxing was anearobic you would only fight for a half minute or a full minute.

How long has boxing been around for?

how long have boxing been around?

How many minutes are there in a 7-round boxing match?

Well if each round is 3 minutes long, and they have a 1 minute rest period between each round, the answer is 27 minutes. They box for 21 minutes, and they rest after each round from 1 to 6, and that is why the answer comes out to 27 minutes.

Who won the long count boxing match?

Gene Tunney won the long count boxing match.

What is long what is round?

I would have to say there is no answer to this question

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