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Once the matador begins his passes with the muleta he has 15 minutes to make the kill. A warning Trumpet is sounded after 10 minutes. If the bull is still alive after three more minutes a second trumpet is sounded. After two more minutes the final trumpet is sounded and the bull must then be return to the corral to be killed there. It is a great dishonor to the matador who has failed to do his job.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

It usually takes a number of years to become a full matador who has received his alternativa. It depends on the skill and dedication of the individual and there is no fixed time. There are several schools for potential matadors run by former toreros but they are expensive to attend.

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If a matador is unable to kill the bull because of a serious injury or death, one of the other matadores kills the bull. It is usually the senior matador who kills the bull and he does it with no fanfare.

Does it take a lot of training for bullfighters?

Yes, it can take many years and a considerable amount of money to become a matador. Most start in their teens or even earlier. They begin as a becerista - one who fights calves. At this stage the person may actually have to pay to fight. Once they improve they become a novillero - one who fights bulls that are not yet the full four years of age required for a matador. As he gains experience and a following he may take the alternativa or graduation to the rank of full matador de toros under the sponsorship of a veteran matador. Then he is eligible to compete with other full matadors in major bullrings if he can get the contracts. At this stage, some find that they are unable to find much work and may renounce their alternativa and return to the rank as novillero where they may find more work but less money.

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The duration of The Matador is 1.6 hours.

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Matador means 'one who kills' in reference to the matador being the torrero who kills the bull.

Where did the word matador originate?

Matador is Spanish for 'one who kills.' A matador de toros is 'one who kills bulls.'