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A concussion with excrutionary pain should immediately be sent to the Emergency Room concussions can lead to blood clots in the brain causing bleeding to death. If its minor still go to the Hospital.

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12y ago
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16y ago

varies depending on severity. Could be a day could be a month. Generally you want to stay out of physical activity for 7 days after the symptoms have resolved

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15y ago

In Boxing, you cannot fight for three months after being knocked out, concussed or not.

It all depends on being cleared to fight by doctors after that.

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14y ago

I know someone who had a concussion and it took 2 weeks to heal

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13y ago

These symptoms may last from several minutes to several hours. More severe or longer-lasting symptoms may indicate more severe brain injury.

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13y ago

These symptoms linger for weeks or months, and in severe cases can be permanent. Double vision for months after the injury is not uncommon.

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13y ago

5-7 Days.....

Do u have one?!

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100,000 years

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Play It Again Sports was created in 1983.

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No one exactly knows since he got a concussion and is reacting to symptoms! I hope I answered your question!!

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You should not play football with a concussion. The long-term consequences far outweigh the short-term sacrifices.

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Yes, you can still play video games with a concussion. In fact, when I got a concussion, that is all I did.

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A sports store. Try looking in Play It Again Sports.

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