A concussion with excrutionary pain should immediately be sent to the Emergency Room concussions can lead to blood clots in the brain causing bleeding to death. If its minor still go to the Hospital.
Very often athletes who have suffered a concussion are allowed to play again too soon, perhaps in the mistaken impression that the injury is not so bad if the player did not lose consciousness.
Play It Again Sports was created in 1983.
No one exactly knows since he got a concussion and is reacting to symptoms! I hope I answered your question!!
You should not play football with a concussion. The long-term consequences far outweigh the short-term sacrifices.
1 year
Yes, you can still play video games with a concussion. In fact, when I got a concussion, that is all I did.
A sports store. Try looking in Play It Again Sports.
I think they do
no they are a sports store
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