There is a possibility of nude or obscene gestures fowl language in mixed Wrestling. Also a lot of violence that young ones should not be exposed to with out the consent of an adult if at all.
Avenged Sevenfold's All Excess DVD is inappropriate for most young viewers. It is aimed for mostly mature viewers. The All Excess DVD is inappropriate for most young viewers for these reasons:Sexual and Nude ReferencesMany Alcohol ReferencesMany Drug ReferencesMany Curse WordsWhat viewers consider inappropriate is a matter of opinion and on their maturity level. All parents are different, but most parents do not allow their children (especially under 13) to watch DVDs that contain the listed things above. Young viewers should ask a parent or guardian's permission before watching the All Excess DVD.
he was cheating on his wife and directors found it inappropriate for young viewers.
well, they didn't dub any of the Sailor Moon Stars episodes because of Serena falling in love with Seiya, which was inappropriate for 'young viewers'.
they have over a hundred thousand veiwer old and young.
young lyric is mixed with meaxican and black she live in the south
Mae Young who is 85
No, not at all even if it is 12 years or under.
Bill Maher was the 1950's young children's show hast that was thrown off the air for saying something inappropriate.
Yes, kids start as young as 5 years old.
It is a inappropriate game overall. The game is fulled with violence and it is a lifestyle we must not promote. They might think it is "cool" at a young age ,but it is just inappropriate.
The popularity has recently decreased because of the death of a young sumo. -2009