Matador or Torero.
Montera de Torero
The matador is the torero (bullfighter) who kills the bull.
A horseback matador is a rejoneador. He fights bulls from expensive and specially trained horses. That is different than a picador. The picador is the torero whose job is to weaken the tossing muscle of the bull. He does not kill the bull and, therefore, is not a matador.
The matador is the only torero who uses the sword.
The matador, the torero who kills the bull, is the star of the bullfight.
The matador is the only torero who uses the sword.
The matador wears a traje de luces - a suit of lights.
The matador is the torero (bullfighter) who kills the bull.
A torero is anyone involved in fighting the bull. A matador is a torero charged with killing the bull. All matadores are toreros but not all torerosare matadores. Therefore, bullfighter is the closest synonym, although not an accurate one.Toreador is the French equivalent of torero but the word is never used in Spain unless being sung in the opera Carmen. A picador is a torero but not a matador.Are you confused enough? If not, let me know and I will see if I can confuse the issue even more.
Matador - the torero who untimately kills the bull.Banderillero - assist the matador in controling the bull and also places the decorated and barbed sticks in the bulls tossing muscle.Picador - the mounted torero who pics the bulls tossing muscle with a lance.
Torero is the generic term for anyone involved in the bullfight but matador refers to the man responsible for the artistic cape work and for killing the bull.