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from the ground up its about 9 feet and from the ring up its around 5 feet think about it the big show can stand outside the ring and reach up and just touch the top turnbuckle but when rey mysterio is thrown into the turn buckle he is about 7 inches taller than it

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Q: How high up is the top turnbuckle in a WWE ring?
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Has sin cara jumped over 10 feet?

Yes. He has jumped over the wwe ring. And the ring is 10 feet from ground to top turnbuckle.

What is on top of the WWE ring?

A monitor

Is Matt hardy a high flyer?

yes. he jumps off of the top turnbuckle so that makes him fly high!

How do you build WWE ring out of a trampoline?

buy a trampoline get cut down logs froma a forest or cut down trees then dig holes around the trampoline stick your logs in put a plank on the top to make it a turnbuckle you can stand on and finally put ropes around the ring i have a video of it type in ma mas midterm mainevent on youtube

What is the size of a wrestling ring?

The ring is 455 cm in diameter and is raised a foot or two above the ground. It is centered on a square that is 670 cm on each side. The surface is a hard packed clay from a specific river bed.

Where can you buy a WWE ring?

Go to and on the top toolbar find wwe shop. This should lead you to a page with assorted items and a price down the bottom. On the left hand side of the page, you will see a range of categories. Click on the one most suitable for a WWE ring!

What is WWE Ring The Cell?

There is no such thing, there is Hell In A Cell. Which is a match that was inspired by The Undertaker. It is basically a cage match with a little room outside the ring with a roof on top.

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Yes it is obvious the high-flyer is on top of WWE!!!!! Hardy Hardy

Who broke ring in WWE vengence?

The WWE Ring has broken twice. a. First time when Big Show was suplexed off the top rope by Brock Lesnar b. Second time when Big Show suplexed Mark Henry off the top rope. The similarity is that, Big Show was involved in both cases.

What is a WWE ring of fire match?

A Ring of fire is one of the WWE's gimmick matches wherein the wrestling ring is surrounded by flames. The most recent of these matches happened between Bray Wyatt and Kane a few months ago. The Wyatt's put out blankets on top of the flame and entered the ring to help out Bray and to take out Kane. These matches are no DQ and anything goes.

How many times in WWE was the ring collapse?

twice- the first time: in a match against big show and brock lesnar the ring collapsed after lesnar superplexed big show off the top rope; the second time: WWE Vengeance 10/23/11, Mark Henry vs. Big Show for World Heavyweight Title, Henry superplexed Show off top rope, ring imploded.

How is the smackdown ring made?

The ring in WWE is made of wood covered in foam padding, and the top layer is canvas. The posts are made of steel, and the turnbuckles are also steel, covered in padding. The steps in the corners leading to the ring are also steel.