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In the sport of Fencing, you have to move fairly fast, no matter what type of weapon you are using. In Epee, you move the least, but you still must be very quick, especially with the sword hand. In Foil, you must be moving quickly as well, and be quick on your feet, as there are actual attacks in this weapon, unlike Epee. In Sabre, you must be quicker than you would be in either of the other weapons. Sabre is undisputedly the fastest-moving weapon of them all. You must be quick on your feet, with your blade, and be prepared to be moving a lot very quickly. Here is a saying that can sum up much of this: "Fencing is like Chess at the speed of boxing." -Coach Kelly Willams, KCFC. A fact that can sum this up as well: The fastest moving object in sports is the marksman's bullet. The second fastest is the tip of the fencer's blade.

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15y ago

The tip of a fencing blade can travel up to 120 mph. The overall average speed of a blade, however, is unknown.

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