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Wrestling can cause you to have a slight hunch in posture. Yes there are core exercises performed in this sport however constantly circling with your hands up to block attacks and your core centered can cause a slight change in center of gravity. Also trying to make weight by sweating it out, measuring in, and then eating before activity can be unhealthy by durastically changing one's water weight.

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Q: How does wrestling affect your body composition?
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What are two factors that affect body composition?

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What determines a person's body composition?

This is the old question of nature vs nurture. Body composition is, in general, genetic. Family members often look similar. However, diet, exercise and lifestyle can affect health and weight, which adds variability to the body composition of family members.

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How do you define body composition?

Body composition is the proportion of fat, muscle, and bones of an individuals body.

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The pollution in the Air can affect the Oxygen composition of the body and the lungs which inhale oxygen for purifying the blood get choked

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Body composition is the ratio of body fat to muscles.

Does body composition have little to do with cardiorespiratory fitness?

Body composition has a lot to do with cardiorespiratory fitness.

What physical benefits can be gained wrestling?

The benefits you get from Wrestling are you get an amazing body and you because really flexible.

How does body composition link to sport?

Health is associated with body and body fitness is entirely associated with every sports. If the composition of body is not appropriate then sportsmen will not perform with perfection. In short body composition plays a very important role in sports.

Is body composition a health related fitness?

A: body composition is not a fitness B: what are u talking about

How do you use the word body composition in a sentence?

When referring to body composition, you are describing the ratio of fat and non-fat tissues in the body. An example of using "body composition" in a sentence could be: "Tracking changes in body composition is important for monitoring progress during a fitness program."