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A "no-foul protector cup" functions to prevent injury to a male-boxer if he is punched in his "groin area" by his opponent. A punch to the groin area is called a "low blow" and is forbidden in boxing. A "low blow" can be extremely painful to a boxer and can incapacitate him. However, "low blows" do occur, whether accidental or intentional. A "no-foul protector cup" fits over the male genitals and is usually made of a hard plastic material or of metal. The way a "no-foul protector prevents injuries is like this: If there is a blow to the groin area covered by the protective cup, the cup absorbs the impact and transfers the force of the impact to the body next to the penis and testicles, where the force of the blow can be absorbed without injury to the testicles or to the penis. A no-foul protector-cup, to function properly, must fight snugly. A blow or impact to a loose-fitting protector-cup will only slam the cup into the boxer's testicles, causing pain and possible injury. When a male boxer checks out the protectiveness of a no-foul boxing cup, he should determine if it fits tight against his groin area. If the no-foul protector does not fit real tight against his body, a hard blow to his no-foul cup-protector will just slam the cup-protector against his testicles, causing him pain and injury. There should be no reason for a male boxer to drop to his knees from a "low blow" if he is wearing a tight-fitting no-foul protector.

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