win your country's Olympic Wrestling Trials.
no the rock would win
If the wrestling match were televised, then we would all win!
Resiedent Evil is 10x better than wrestling........everyone who plays wrestling is lazy cuz wrestling doesn't do anything all it is is to throw a few punches and grabs and you win the game after wrestlemania. Resident Evil has way more action more adventure and more puzzles. People who play wrestling usually suck at adventure games like call of duty resident evil. Wrestling just sucks my advice is to never buy the wrestling 2010 game................i did but then i relized its a waste of money so i took it back....
it was mickie James
Khashaba Dadasaheb Jadhav was the person win bronze medal in wrestling.1952 Helsinki hold that olympic. and one other person also got medal in wrestling. these two guys only get medals from India in wrestling. so finally still now only two medals India get in wrestling.
Daniel Bryan has retired from professional wrestling.
the way i win is push your body weight and squeeze your fist really tight
If it is a wrestling match, pancakes would win. It will you lie on top of it.