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While Taekwondo is primarily an unarmed Martial Art, there are many weapons, both traditional and modern, that are often integrated into the training for the purpose of well-rounded self defense, and traditional experience. A student can learn how to fight against weapons, as well as use them for self defense (although less common in modern times). Tournament competition is also a consideration when choosing to study Martial Art weapons.

In Korea and around the world, some of the terms and names of organizations are registered trademarks, but the art of the sword in Korea is known as Gumdo. The traditional methods of sword fighting are organized in a modern curriculum such as the Haedong Gumdo (also Haidong Kumdo). While some literature, and videos are available, a serious student would be best to find a Taekwondo Master who is certified to teach the sword through a recognized Haedong Gumdo association.

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βˆ™ 12y ago
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βˆ™ 11y ago

Taekwon-Do practitioners do not train a sword fighting.

Taekwon-Do can be loosely translated as "the way of the foot and the hand" and it is dedicated to an 'unarmed combat for self-defence as well as health'.

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