You need to complete a Story mode bout, obviously not the Undertaker one, probably best to go with Randy Orton's one!
Take that idiot to the grave!
I've got to stars and this is how: unlock all worlds, get all the stars (in every world), unlock all the shortcuts and extras such as mushroom huts.
no way to unlock
get all of the stars
If you beat every mission, it will give you all the stars, of course. Remember, after you get all 120 stars as Mario, you unlock Luigi. After getting all 120 stars as Luigi, you unlock a bonus star for Mario and Luigi, giving you a grand total of 242 stars to shoot for!
you have to create him
Well I Dont Really Know But I Know That You Need All The Stars To Unlock Waluigi!
You cant download or unlock him, you have to make him
make a code
Get all 150 stars
You must get to the highest level possible (level 50) on online mode and then enter legend mode. This takes you back to level one with legend level one. You unlock more legendary mounts the more legend modes you enter. This goes up to legend level 5
get all the stars to unlock the cannon
Collect all 120 stars.