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top of the chin very hard

This is an effective one but also you could aim for the temple, jaw (close to the mastoid process [below the ear]), or the solar plexus (just below the middle of the chest bone [quickest way to knock somebody out due to the heart skipping])

For the chin push off with your back foot and twist your fist 90 degrees just before or on impact (which can cause abrasions). Also with any straight punch aim 6 inches behind your target so when you hit it follows through giving it more power.

For the temple or mastoid process use a hook and rotate your hips into it.

With the solar plexus either a straight punch or uppercut.... with a straight punch punch as hard and fast as you can and pull back as fast as you can make sure to also rotate your fist 90 degrees on or before impact. Uppercut well self explanatory.

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13y ago
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15y ago

First, understand that one-punch knockouts are never guaranteed even with perfect setup.

The punches that most often cause KOs are rear-hand crosses and lead-hand hooks. Go to a boxing gym, learn them well, and you may have the stopping power you're looking for.

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13y ago

just think "toe groin head' that's where u hitem

it is actually very easy!!!! By giving a hooking action swing you try and hit the jaw perpendicular on the side! the shock wave will knock out most people with only 1 good placed shot! so fire away. bullies watch out.

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13y ago

if you are a crip then ima show you how to throw a perfect punch. you see a slobbk? i perferre a bat or a gun but if these are not available to you just keep your habds and feet in a fighting postion. square up with the slobbk my favroite knockout combo is a double jab cross hook when you connect with the hook use all your power

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15y ago

It's something you learn, but it doesn't make them hurt any less!

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15y ago

Try punching him really hard in the face. That 'ought to do it...

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14y ago

A direct strike to an open jaw will constantly knockout your opponent; this creates a bridge from the jaw to jar the brain.

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12y ago

Have them breath hard and rapidly while looking down (make sure they're against a wall) than when they look up press against their chest. This is dangerous but fun

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14y ago

punch them in the head.

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Q: How do you take a punch in boxing?
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What is punch?

Punch is the term mainly used in Boxing. Basically there are 4 kinds of punches in boxing jab, straight right or left hand, hook and uppercut.

How does boxing help you?

boxing is a calming sport wich although seems voilent helps you control your self and take things out on e.g a punch bag wich really helps you be calm

What do you have to do to punch?

you can "punch" or you can throw a real punch i would most recommend to go to a boxing gym so you learn to punch the most athenticated way

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its no man throws a punch and its because its a girl

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Punch them in the side of their stomach! == ==

What does upper cut mean in sports?

It is a type of punch used in boxing.

Is a kidney punch legal in boxing?

YES! as the kidneys are not protected by the ribcage.

Why is it an advantage to roll with punch in boxing?

Rolling with a punch reduces the amount of force exerted on the area of impact, reducing the risk of injury.