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corrida de toros-means running of the bulls

'Torero' or Toriando means bullfighting


Torero - someone who fights a bull, including the matador, banderillero, picador. All of these are toreros but only one is the matador.

Corrida de toros does, literally, mean 'running of the bulls' but is actually the term in Spanish for bullfight. Running of the bulls frequently brings on visions of Pamplona, Spain. It is not the same. What is done in Pamplona is the 'encierro' or penning of the bulls. It has the purpose of moving the bulls from the corral to the bullring a few blocks away.

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βˆ™ 9y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

Tauromaquia means bullfighting. Corrida de toros means bullfight.

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When and what year did bullfighting come to Mexico?

Since 1521, when Spanish conquistadores conquered Mexico and began to colonize it, bringing with them most of their traditions, including bullfighting.

Are there any bullfighting events in Germany?

No, Germany does not hold traditional Spanish bullfights.

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Yes not all of the Spanish are fans, but it is tolerated by most. Bullfighting is part of the national heritage, but the most important passion in Spain is soccer

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How many people have died from a toreador?

This is a difficult question to answer with any degree of accuracy as there is no definitive source of information regarding how many people have died as a result of a toreador. However there have been some documented cases of fatalities that have occurred as a result of a toreadors bullfighting activities. Here are some of the most notable examples: In 1881 Spanish bullfighter Rafael Molina Jimenez was killed by a bull during a bullfighting event in Madrid. In 1892 Juan Belmonte one of the most famous toreadors of all time suffered a fatal injury after he was gored by a bull during a bullfight in Seville. In 1904 Spanish bullfighter Jose Gomez Alvarez was killed by a bull during a bullfighting event in Valencia. In 1924 Spanish bullfighter Jose Sancho Casanova was killed by a bull during a bullfighting event in Madrid. In 1934 Spanish bullfighter Antonio Fuentes was killed by a bull during a bullfighting event in Madrid. In 1938 Spanish bullfighter Antonio Baena was killed by a bull during a bullfighting event in Seville. In 1940 Spanish bullfighter Manuel Cuadrado was killed by a bull during a bullfighting event in Madrid. In 1944 Spanish bullfighter Jose Maria Rueda was killed by a bull during a bullfighting event in Madrid. In 1949 Spanish bullfighter Francisco Montes was killed by a bull during a bullfighting event in Madrid. In 2011 Spanish bullfighter Victor Barrio was killed by a bull during a bullfighting event in Teruel.While these are some of the most widely reported cases of fatalities caused by toreadors there may be other cases that have gone unreported or underreported. Therefore it is difficult to accurately determine the exact number of people who have died as a result of a toreadors activities.

What kind of gifts in Spain do they open for Christmas?

you would probably get bullfighting tickets, Spanish t-shirts,

How did bullfighting begin in Mexico and what do they do?

Since the first years Mexico became a Spanish colony in the Americas (1521). That is one example of the traditions brought to Mexico by the Spanish.

Who throws the spears at the bull in bullfighting?

Nobody 'throws spears' at the bull during a typical Spanish style bullfight.

What region in Spain wants to ban bullfighting in their area?

no where has banned bullfighting in Spain, but alot of regions in Spain are trying to bann it for good! Lawmakers in the Spanish Region of Catalonia voted Wednesday, July 28, 2010 to ban bullfighting effective 2012. The vote was 68 Ayes, 55 Nays, and 9 abstentions.

What year did bullfighting start in Spanish culture?

It is believed that a form of bullfighting was introduced to Spain during the reign of Roman Emperor Claudius nearly 2000 years ago. Over the centuries the practice evolved into what we know today. When the Spanish conquered and colonized an area they introduced the spectacle, especially in parts of the Americas.

Is bullfighting popular in Cuba?

Bullfighting only occurred in colonial Cuba and in rare occasions after that. Bullfighting has been outlawed in Cuba.