Tough to answer. One of the conditioning aspects of Martial Arts is to be able to continue after being tagged. To a certain extent it is a matter of working through the fog and reacting naturally without having to think about it or actually engage the brain.
Behaving in a bewildering manner, confused and dazed. Term comes from Boxing, a boxer who has suffered repeated blown to the head
punch him then do a backflip, after that do web dots. when hes dazed, go and uppercut him and do multi attack
"bemuse" is the synonym for dazed
i dazed into the sky.
unsteady and dazed; dazed
Dazed means confused. She hates to take cold pills because they leave her feeling dazed and sleepy.
Dazed Digital was created in 2006.
Some of these questions leave me dazed and confused.
Stunned is a synonym for dazed.
Chuck Norris punched me then i was dazed.
Dazed and Confused was released on 09/24/1993.
The Production Budget for Dazed and Confused was $6,900,000.