Method 1
It's easy!!! Get card board, sissors, and tape. Cut a rectangle out of the card board. Next cut in half . Put the tape 2 layors over where u cut it now u have a table!!!! For the legs I used Legos but if u don't want to then ur out of luck I don't now how to use anything else
Method 2
Use Legos and build a table out of them and it will break when they land on it.
They sell table legs that have screw connections on the end, so if you got the right size/height (some of them have adjustable height), you could probably screw them in and out at need.
Link to a page with dimensions:
Link to a page that has pictures of some handbuilt tables:
^^ The guy that built those tables, Artem Taranenko, might still build them or be able to offer advice if you contact him on Google Plus or you have another way to contact him.
Why wouldn't it be normal? It's just arm wrestling.
Arm Wrestling - video game - was created in 1985.
Arm Wrestling - video game - happened in 1985.
An arm-wrestler is a person who engages in arm wrestling.
Arm Wrestling is a sport that is mostly contested and dominated by the United States. Arm Wrestling can be traced all the way back to acient Egypt where a painting depicting a type of arm wrestling was found in an Egyptian tomb dating to 2,000 B.C.
Superman would win and break the table and Gamera would hurt his hand.
The two contestants place their arms on a flat surface like a table, with the elbow and upper part of the arm flat on the surface and hold the lower part of the arm and the hand upright. They link hands and try to press the other's arm backwards so that the upper part of the arm will touch the surface. The person who succeeds in doing this is the winner of the contest.
well hand or arm wrestling is Uma, pa uma
Yes, it is likely.
Smosh - 2006 Arm Wrestling to Death was released on: USA: 16 July 2010