{| |- | The art of breaking is best learned with a seasoned practitioner. Instructors know how to teach someone the right techniques. It take practice and proper form to avoid injury, it is not something that you just go and do. |}
It doesn't learn Drain Punch at any level. It, and all other pokemon, only learn Drain Punch through TM60 in Gen IV.
Sneasel can only learn ice punch by having a parent, Buneary, that knows the movie. Sneasel cannot learn ice punch through any other method.
You will need to teach Murkrow Sucker Punch at level 55, then evolve it using a Dusk Stone. Honchkrow cannot learn Sucker Punch through leveling up.
The only way Alakazam can learn Fire Punch is through a Move Tutor on Pokemon Emerald Version.
it cant learn it through leveling but you can if you find the move tutor
Through the power of Jesus Christ of course !
buizel doesn't learn ice punch, but floatzel can learn ice punch
No, Shroomish cannot learn Mach Punch.
It learn ice punch at level 36
No, Flareon cannot learn Fire Punch
It doesn't learn Mach Punch.