We refer to it as the way. While it is about fighting, it is mostly about being Karate not doing karate.
To 'do' can be temporary, but to 'be' is eternal.
To be karate, is to be an example of the way in all that you do.
You can be a 3rd degree black-belt and 'do Karate', or be a green-belt and 'be karate', vice versa.
It is up to no one to decide if you are, it is up to you to be.
Although, if you have dedicated enough of yourself to make it to 4th dan or higher it is an idea that you are Karate since to get to these levels require great love, discipline, and dedication to achieve.
Karate all the way. i know i do karate and have done a couple others. karate is the best.
hidden in a corner in the grass befor entering harthome city. i dont know what the route is
judo - ippon dont know about karate though Same thing in Karate, ippon.
you have to win all games
i don't know, but i think he is a brilliant karate man!! but i think he was in movies so maybe an actor. btw- there is a restaurant called 'wing lee'. i dont know if that helps.
It seems he does in the show Disney Show - Kickin' It. He actually does know karate but not same as good as Leo Howard. It seems Jason Earles can do karate but he can't do extreme martial art
you have to buy the move off the karate man
i don't know what you mean "karate" is a type of fighting you cant do it on moshi monsters.
Chuck Norris and Jean Claude vanDamme are probably the two biggest karate film stars.
present simple is know or knows:I know karate. She knows my address.Present continuous would be am/is/are knowingBUT know is a state verb and state verbs are not usually used in continuous form.I am learning karate. - correct sentenceI am knowing karate - not correct, better to use present simple