You get the boxing collection by doing jobs under the Soldier job tier or you can get some of your mafia members to send the parts that you are missing to you as a gift.
Boxing Collection items will drop in the Soldier Job Tier..
Vaulting the boxing collection will give you 3 attack points.
the heavy bag is one of the boxing collection. it is a loot drop..done on the SOLDIER job tier.
Mafia Wars is a game made by Zynga. To obtain boxing trunks, you have to do jobs in the soldier tier in New York.
You have to do the Capo jobs
Diamond Flush Collection Heart Flush Collection Sculptures Collection Poker Chips Collection Club Flush Collection Boxing Collection Cigars Collection Spade Flush Collection Billiards Collection Rings Collection Ties Collection Paintings Collection Great Race Horses Collection
Just one of each collection.
they DO. the barber collection....the horse collection....and the cufflinks as well....all loot drops. on TAGGED mafia wars.
Any of the jobs in the Soldier tier can potentially drop the Boxing Collection, Gloves item. The drop is random. One item may be dropped on completing a job, from memory the drop rate appears to be around 1 in 5, but this varies considerably. Any item from the Boxing Collection, Sculptures Collection, Poker Chips Collection or the Club Flush Collection may be dropped.
capo jobs
When you vault the Daily Chance Collection in Mafia Wars, you get a 10% increase of loot drops when doing jobs.
Cigars, Rings, Paintings, poker chips, and Sculptures are a new feature on Mafia Wars. They are part of a collection. If you collect all seven of one category then you can add your collection to the vault.